Why Hire a Professional Pet Sitter?

Planning that much needed vacation? Have a last-minute business trip?  Why would you bring your pets to a kennel, when a professional pet sitter can come to you?

These are only some of the benefits of hiring a professional pet sitter.

  1. No longer are your beloved pets doomed to be confined to a cold, steel kennel. Your kitty or pooch will get to stay in their own familiar environment, and snuggle up in their favorite bed or chair.
  2. Avoid kennel cough, canine influenza, intestinal parasites, feline respiratory viruses and other contagious illnesses that can adversely affect your pet’s health.
  3. Avoid the extra hassle of gathering your pet’s belongings and driving to a kennel before and after your excursion.
  4. Instead of seeing random faces at the kennel, you and your pet will develop a one-on-one lasting relationship with your pet sitter.
  5. Your home will be well taken care of, too. Pet sitters can water your plants, pick up your mail, and give your home a “lived-in” appearance.
  6. Your pet’s care is guaranteed by a signed contract. Your pet sitting arrangements will not fall through at the last minute, like they often do when you rely on a friend or neighbor.
  7. Your pet sitter can deal with emergencies if they arise. They are not bound by time constraints or other obligations, and can devote the time to a veterinary visit or call a plumber if needed.

Everyone benefits when you choose a professional pet sitter for your beloved babies. Why not give it a try?

River Run Pet Sitters LLC : Overnight pet sitting, dog walking, dog sitting, cat sitting and pet sitting offered in Red Bank, Little Silver, Fair Haven, Rumson, Oceanport, Shrewsbury, Middletown and Lincroft, NJ! (732) 933-0270
